Slimming World
Slimming World
Led by Ian Bunney. Slimming World hold a session at Egerton URC every Tuesday @ 5.00-6.30 PM Tel 07743 499292
Led by Ian Bunney. Slimming World hold a session at Egerton URC every Tuesday @ 5.00-6.30 PM Tel 07743 499292
Basic life support & defib training led by Dave Crook from Bolton Mountain Rescue Tuesday 25th Feb @7.30 pm
Led by Alex. Held every Wednesday morning DURING TERM TIME ONLY 9.00-11.00 AM Contact Alex 07712 623721 for more information £2.00 including refreshments
Come & join us for Sunday Service with Communion at Egerton URC. This weeks service will be led by Barnabas.Shin Service starts at 10 am-11am Egerton URC Home Page Egerton United Reformed Church (
Led by Ian Bunney. Slimming World hold a session at Egerton URC every Tuesday @ 5.00-6.30 PM Tel 07743 499292
Two sessions on Tuesday the 4th and 18th of March at 7.00 pm looking at the situation of the Corinthian church the insight Paul brought us through our conversations
Come & join us for Sunday Service at Egerton URC. This weeks service will be led by Adrian Yapp Service starts at 10 am-11am Egerton URC Home Page Egerton United Reformed Church (
Looking at the Bible through the lens of C S Lewis's Narnia Chronicles led by Revd Walt Johnson 7.30 pm Tuesday 11th March at Bank Top
Held on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday every month. Out next film will be on Wednesday 12th March @6.30pm
AGM & Church Meeting held after church service on the 16th March led by Reverend Walt Johnson
Every Monday 2.00pm, this is a friendship group, chat games crafts biscuits & occasionally cake!
Led by Ian Bunney. Slimming World hold a session at Egerton URC every Tuesday @ 5.00-6.30 PM Tel 07743 499292
Two sessions on Tuesday the 4th and 18th of March at 7.30 pm looking at the situation of the Corinthian church the insight Paul brought us through our conversations
Bolton Cardiac Support Groups next meetingwill be held Wednesday 17th April, doors open at 7.00 pm (for 7.30) at Egerton URC. £2.00 per person payable per meeting
Susan Cain Sound Bath normally first & third Thursday every month 7.30-8.30pm at Egerton URC Session cost £10 I would love for you to join us for a profound restoration of mind and body. Come and experience deep relaxation like never before. Feel free to message or call me to book your session Booking essential […]
Coffee Morning Saturday 22nd March 11.30-1.00pm. The theme for the Tombola this month will be Easter Eggs. There will also be a cake stall. If anyone wishes to donate an Easter Egg or Cakes this will be very wellcome.
Come & join us for Sunday Service at Egerton URC. This weeks service will be led by Father Bill Service starts at 10 am-11am Egerton URC Home Page Egerton United Reformed Church (
Every Monday 2.00pm, this is a friendship group, chat games crafts biscuits & occasionally cake!
Looking at the Bible through the lens of C S Lewis's Narnia Chronicles led by Revd Walt Johnson 7.30 pm Tuesday 25th March at Bank Top
Strength and Balance Led by Niall Bradley from Age Concern Fridays from 1pm to 2.30pm plus post class tea & coffee Contact Niall on N07535 641932 or Age Uk on 01204 328411
Come & join us for Sunday Service at Egerton URC. This weeks service will be led by Rachel Cronshaw Service starts at 10 am-11am Egerton URC Home Page
Every Monday 2.00pm, this is a friendship group, chat games crafts biscuits & occasionally cake!