Lent Group

Bank Top URC Bank Top URC, Ashworth Lane Bolton BL1 8RX, United Kingdom

Looking at the Bible through the lens of C S Lewis's Narnia Chronicles led by  Revd Walt Johnson  7.30 pm Tuesday 8th April at Bank Top

Slimming World

Egerton URC Blackburn Road, Egerton, Bolton, United Kingdom

Led by Ian Bunney. Slimming World hold a session at Egerton URC every Tuesday @ 5.00-6.30 PM Tel 07743 499292

Parents & Toddlers Group

Egerton URC Blackburn Road, Egerton, Bolton, United Kingdom

Led by Alex. Held  every Wednesday morning DURING TERM TIME ONLY 9.00-11.00 AM Contact  Alex 07712 623721 for more information £2.00 including refreshments https://egertonurc.org.uk/mums-toddler-group

Egerton URC Film Club

Egerton URC Blackburn Road, Egerton, Bolton, United Kingdom

Film nights are held on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday every month starting at @6.30pm

Strength & Balance Class

Egerton URC Blackburn Road, Egerton, Bolton, United Kingdom

Strength and Balance Led by Niall Bradley from Age Concern Fridays from 1pm to 2.30pm plus post class tea & coffee Contact Niall on N07535 641932  or Age Uk on 01204 328411

Monday Club

Egerton URC Blackburn Road, Egerton, Bolton, United Kingdom

Every Monday 2.00pm, this is a friendship group, chat games crafts biscuits & occasionally cake!

Slimming World

Egerton URC Blackburn Road, Egerton, Bolton, United Kingdom

Led by Ian Bunney. Slimming World hold a session at Egerton URC every Tuesday @ 5.00-6.30 PM Tel 07743 499292 Tel 07743 499292

Parents & Toddlers Group

Egerton URC Blackburn Road, Egerton, Bolton, United Kingdom

Led by Alex. Held  every Wednesday morning DURING TERM TIME ONLY 9.00-11.00 AM Contact  Alex 07712 623721 for more information £2.00 including refreshments https://egertonurc.org.uk/mums-toddler-group

Maundy Thursday Evening Service

Egerton URC Blackburn Road, Egerton, Bolton, United Kingdom

Walt will be leading a Maundy Thursday Evening Service on the 17th April. After the service there will be a bring & share meal with last supper  starting at 7pm
