Thursday Club
Egerton URC Blackburn Road, Egerton, Bolton, United KingdomCoffee Morning every Thursday 10am-12am Chat & Friendship. Come & join us
Coffee Morning every Thursday 10am-12am Chat & Friendship. Come & join us
Strength and Balance Led by Niall Bradley from Age Concern Fridays from 1pm to 2.30pm plus post class tea & coffee Contact Niall on N07535 641932 or Age Uk on 01204 328411
Come & join us for Sunday Service at Egerton URC. This weeks service will be led by Rachel Cronshaw Service starts at 10 am-11am Egerton URC Home Page
Every Monday 2.00pm, this is a friendship group, chat games crafts biscuits & occasionally cake!
Mike Doyle Yoga every Monday Evening 7-8 pm +44 7929 182390 [email protected]
Susan Cain Sound Bath usually first & third Thursday every month 7.30-8.30pm at Egerton URC Session cost £10 I would love for you to join us for a profound restoration of mind and body. Come and experience deep relaxation like never before. Feel free to message or call me to book your session Booking essential […]
Come & join us for Sunday Service at Egerton URC. This weeks Communion service will be led by Rev Adrian Yapp Service starts at 10 am-11am Home Page
Looking at the Bible through the lens of C S Lewis's Narnia Chronicles led by Revd Walt Johnson 7.30 pm Tuesday 8th April at Bank Top
Walt will be leading a Maundy Thursday Evening Service on the 17th April. After the service there will be a bring & share meal with last supper starting at 7pm
XXX NOTE; NO SOUND BATH TODAY XXX Susan Cain Sound Bath normally first & third Thursday every month 7.30-8.30pm at Egerton URC Session cost £10 I would love for you to join us for a profound restoration of mind and body. Come and experience deep relaxation like never before. Feel free to message or call […]