Click Hello and Welcome to Cartoon Church
Shine like a Rainbow.
Members of Bolton Music Society have produced the enclosed song to all volunteers, frontline workers, home schoolers and good neighbours who make Bolton Shine like a Rainbow Click Shine like […]
Sunday School For The Children

Have You Seen Sunday School For The Children Yet?
Jesus: The Kingdom of God vs Rome Zoom Bible study Monday 8 June, 2-3pm

We are beginning a series of 6 Bible studies, arising out of the visit that the URC made to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories in September 2019. In this […]
Carol Fielding invites you to a Zoom meeting
Carol Fielding invites you to a Zoom meeting every Wed, until Jul 1, 2020, Meeting ID: 783 8216 7973 Password: 8mhTw2
Live The Word

Live The Word – Now added to our site
Messy Church

Messy Church is not currently running
Christian Aid Prayers

There are all sorts of free prayer resources available on the Christian Aid website: